“Why do you read the Bible?” Other than knowing we’re supposed to, many followers of Jesus don’t actually know why we read the Bible – or how! In this session, Ben Connelly introduces three realities: many Christians don’t read the Bible, many churches don’t train Christians to do so, and when we do read the Bible, most people read in “little bits.” Then he introduces a truly “Christian way” to read our Bibles.

In this session:

  • Read: Philippians 2:1-9; John 5:37-40

  • Watch 23 minute video

  • Answer reflection questions

  • Brainstorm exercise

Read: Philippians 2:1-9; John 5:37-40


  • What about this session was new or different than you’d heard before?

  • What has been your experience with reading the Bible – how often do you actually read the Bible, and why?

  • What has been your experience of being trained to read the Bible – how have churches trained you well and how haven’t they?

  • What excites you about the “new lens” for reading the Bible that Ben introduced? What hesitations or questions do you have about this new lens, and who could you process them with?


Download: The Story of God in the Stories of God.pdf

Download the .pdf & take time to work through it, seeing at least some of the common Bible stories listed through the lens of God’s overarching Story.