How did the gospel first sound like truly “good news” to you? The reality is that there are innumerable ways that Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and reign are truly good news, to every aspect of our lives. Through the gospel, God offers us good news for eternity, and good news for today. In this session, Ben shows how the New Testament speaks of past-, present-, and future-tense implications of the gospel, and gives examples of different ways that the gospel is good news to us today.

In this session:

  • Read: Luke 4:17-21; 1 Cor. 15:3-4

  • Watch 26 minute video

  • Reflection Questions

  • Exercise

Read: Luke 4:17-21; 1 Cor. 15:3-4


  • How would you have defined “the gospel” before this session? If it’s different now, how would you define it today – and what things led you to see it differently?

  • How did the gospel first sound like truly “good news” to you – and what are some different ways that the gospel has more recently sounded like truly “good news”?

  • What are some tangible ways that the gospel is good news for our past (what God did accomplish through/because of Jesus’ work), our present (what God is accomplishing through/because of Jesus’ work), and our future (what God will accomplish through/because of Jesus’ work)?

  • For every role you play in life, relationship you have, blessing you’ve received, and need you experience, how is Jesus the “true and better” answer – the perfect culmination of everything you face?


Download: Jesus as the True & Better.pdf

Download the .pdf & consider:
a) what is true of at least some of the Biblical persons or images listed
b) specific ways that Jesus is the “true and better” version of each person or image?