Relationally-Open Hearts

How do we define “sin,” and what how does our definition impact our relationships — with God and with others? In this session, Bill helps us navigate healthy relationships, and how transparency with both God and people is necessary for our own sanctification. He helps us see love as a foundational element of our own soul-health and ministry longevity.


In this session:

  • Read: 1 John 4:15-21

  • Watch 10 minute video

  • Reflect

  • Assignment


Read: 1 John 4:15-21



  • What came to mind as Bill asked “what is sin?” and how would you evaluate your definition in light of behavior vs. relational?

  • What would it look like to see sanctification and growth in Christ - your own or others’ - primarily through the lens of the relational? What would change!

  • What would it look like for you to view people through more of a relational lens, than a transactional one? What would change?



Determine: who do you treat transactionally, who do you engage vulnerably, who you engage transparently? Ask God what he would want in each of those relationships, and trust him to take those steps over the coming days.

Go to Session 1 2 - 4