Upcoming events
Soma School
An equipping environment where missional community moves from theory to experience.
We put people in an environment to experience missional community life, to taste and see, rather than just talk theoretically about it. Every participant stays in the home of a missional community leader and sees their lives. They’re immersed in a gospel rich environment and participate in everyday mission.
Soma School equips church planters, staff, elders and key leaders to engage in missional community life, to lead missional communities, and to lead a church of missional communities.
The Ministry Centre, St John’s Ashfield (81 Alt St, Ashfield)
With Ben & Jess Connelly from Soma North America and The Equipping Group
Morning Tea provided
Cost $25
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘gospel’? For many people – both followers of Jesus & not – it’s merely the fact that Jesus’ death and resurrection is good news because we get to go to heaven one day. But the gospel is so much more: it is good news to our past, in our present, and for our future! And it’s that reason that God invites his people to become ‘fluent’ in the gospel – to see the implications of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and reign, as the default lens through which we see the world, and to speak the gospel so naturally that it feels like our ‘mother tongue.’ But of course, that isn’t easy – so let’s learn and practice together!
Save the date. Registration details will be provided closer to the event.