Exploring topics like discipleship, mission, community, leadership, planting, and the gospel.
Why Your City Needs Missional Communities
“I remember lots of laughter and tears in that community. Above all, I remember Jesus’ presence. Being part of that community helped Jesus go from blurry to clear.”
Men & Women in Ministry Together
God made us interdependent as men and women. His vision for his church is that we would partner together. We are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, called to steward the good news of Jesus Christ.
Goals & Hurdles: A Simple Way to Face Ministry Challenges as a Team
Communicating the gospel is difficult work, but when you break it down into “goal and hurdles,” the work can be shared.
Lent Roundtable - 2022
What is Lent, and what might it look like for less liturgical churches to participate?