First Name
Last Name
Spouse's Name
First Name
Last Name
Are you and your spouse unified around pursuing a residency and taking this step toward vocational ministry, and are you in agreement that this is the right time in your life to do so?
Choose an answer:
Not sure / Other (please describe below)
In TWO - THREE SENTENCES, describe how you came to faith in Jesus
in TWO - THREE sentences, describe ways you've seen God work and change you in the past 12 months
Please use this area to elaborate on any answers from above
Current job & responsibilities
(Please include title, organization, status [full-time, part-time, etc.], and TWO - THREE sentence summary of your role.)
What's the highest level of education you've completed?
Choose an answer:
High school / Secondary School/ GED or equivalent
College / University
Masters / Doctoral Degree
Other (please describe below)
Please list the results of any personal/behavioral inventories you've completed in the past few years
(e.g. Strengths Finder, Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, DISC, PI/CI, etc.)
Please list FOUR - FIVE spiritual gifts you consider to be your strongest
Please list THREE of your personal strengths
Please list THREE of your personal weaknesses
In TWO - THREE sentences, describe why you feel your spouse is a good fit for vocational ministry
In TWO - THREE sentences, please describe your own experience in ministry leadership, to whatever degree you've partipated
(Please include role[s]/title[s], organization[s], responsibilities, & examples of fruitfulness)
Please list TWO - THREE ministry passions (ways you foresee yourself serving in a church/plant)
Please list TWO - THREE ministry "drains" (roles you hope never to play, within in a church/plant)
Please list THREE personal heroes, and explain why in ONE sentence each
Please list THREE key theological influences, and explain why in ONE sentence each
(ex: people, organizations, institutions, etc.)
In TWO - THREE sentences each, please describe at least TWO discipleship relationships you currently have
(These should be relationships in which you're primarily the "discipler")
In THREE - FOUR SENTENCES, describe the most recent opportunity you had to lead someone to Jesus.
(Summarize the situation, how they came to put their faith in Jesus, and your role in the process)
Please use this area to elaborate on any answers from above
In TWO - THREE sentences, give us a window into what makes you "you"
Please list the top TWO - THREE things you enjoy doing in your free time, and describe each in ONE sentence
Please check ALL the following statements that are true for you
(Please be honest. None of these inherently negate your involvement in a residency; they help us know you better, and serve you as we navigate next steps in ministry with caution and wisdom. For all you check, please explain below)
I have been charged with a felony
I have used, or currently use, illegal/narcotic drugs (including abuse of prescriptions)
I have been, or currently am, involved with Eastern religions/occult activities (including Tarot, ouija boards, witchcraft, Wicca, new age philosophy, etc.)
I have had a marriage (or common-law relationship) end in divorce or annulment
I have experienced, and/or acted on, same-sex desires
I have experienced, and/or acted on, attraction to a minor while I was considered a legal adult
I have experienced pregnancy grief issues (including miscarriage, abortion, infertility, etc.)
I have been unfaithful to my spouse in our sexual relationship (physically, emotionally, digitally, etc.)
I have abused someone (physically, emotionally, sexually, etc.)
I have experienced abuse from someone else (physically, emotionally, sexually, etc.)
I have had, or currently have, an eating disorder
I have experienced, or currently experience, self-harm or suicidal thoughts
I have a pattern of overspending, and/or my current expenses exceed my income
I have drank, or do drink, to the point of drunkenness; and/or I use alcohol as a means of escape
I have experienced, or currently experience, depression
I have been treated, or am being treated, professionally for mental/emotional/psychological needs
Please check ALL the following statements that are true for you
(Please be honest. None of these inherently negate your involvement in a residency; they help us know you better, and serve you as we navigate next steps in ministry with caution and wisdom. For all you check, please explain below)
I am not good at successfully managing fears & worries
I am not able to successfully adapt to big changes & new environments
I am not good at taking risks
I do not enjoy initiating new relationships, or am not good at doing so
I have not maintained a healthy walk with God during hard times
I am not good at managing my time
I generally do not maintain physical health, exercise, & nutrition well
I am not able to successfully manage stressful situations
I do not manage my finances wisely & well
Of the areas in the previous question, which TWO are hardest for you? Which TWO are hardest for your spouse?
In TWO sentences each, describe (a) things that commonly cause YOU anger, fear, or stress, (b) how you most commonly deal with anger, fear, and stress. Please also answer both questions about your spouse
Please use this area to elaborate on any answers from above
In full honesty, how much do you support your spouse's DESIRE for vocational ministry
Very supportive
Somewhat supportive
Somewhat hesitant
Very hesitant
Other (please explain below)
In full honesty, how much do you affirm your spouse's READINESS for vocational ministry
I strongly affirm his/her readiness
I somewhat affirm his/her readiness
I'm somewhat hesitant to affirm his/her readiness
I'm strongly hesitant to affirm his/her readiness
Do you understand & agree to the time, financial, and other commitments described in your residency overview document(s)?
Choose an answer:
Not sure / other (please describe below)
Use this space to ask any questions, and/or to share anything else that would be helpful as you submit this initial application
I agree that The Equipping Group's leadership, as well as that of my organization & local church, can use this information for its intended purposes
I agree
By typing my name, I affirm that the answers above are truthful and comprehensive, to the best I can discern. Signature & date: