Mental Health in Ministry
with Wendy Alsup

The Equipping Group’s May 2024 Online Workshop

How do we balance our finite humanity with the seemingly infinite demands of our callings? And how does the gospel intersect with our lives when depression and anxiety seem to be driving the ship?

Ministry involves the mind, body and spirit of those engaged in its calling, and oftentimes we find ourselves running on empty juggling demands coming from all sides. The number of people experiencing burnout and other symptoms of distress in ministry continues to rise in our complex cultural climate.

Wendy Alsup is an author, seasoned minister, and speaker who believes that even in the darkest valley’s of life, there is hope to hold onto. By being honest about the weights that we carry in our lives, with ourselves and with God, and giving voice to our internal laments, we can engage in grief that leads to a more eternal hope. 

Born out of her own personal experiences and study of the bible, Wendy emphasizes the impact and importance of mental health in ministry and seeks to give others tangible ways to engage their hurts, wrestle with God, and find hope for the brokenness that surrounds us. 


Wendy Alsup

Wendy Alsup is the author of Practical Theology for Women, Companions in Suffering: Comfort for Times of Loss and Loneliness and I Forgive You: Finding Peace and Moving Forward when Life Really Hurts as well as several other books. She began her public ministry as deacon of women’s theology and teaching at her church in Seattle, but she now lives on an old family farm in South Carolina, where she teaches math at a local community college and is a mother to her two boys. She writes at She is a member of a local church in the Lowcountry Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America.