Laboring to see the Kingdom of God extend into new communities throughout the world

Resources for starting, sending, and leading new churches, for the sake of the kingdom.


Digital Course: Church Planting Primer

So you want to plant a church?

To some, church planting can seem like the varsity, “A-Team” of Christian ministry. For others, the term feels so daunting you’d never consider it. Perhaps you feel a stirring from God, or have been asked to join a planting team. Or perhaps you just want to learn a little more about the concept of planting. 

Over the 11 sessions, Ben Connelly (Founder of The Equipping Group) helps us consider some of the key starting points for considering planting a church. Ben has planted four churches and trained dozens of planters in various contexts, having led church planting residencies for various organizations across North America. He’s learned a lot (often the hard way!) and in this course, he helps answer some of the biggest questions potential church planters need to ask.

Each session involves a brief training video, as well as follow-up work to make the content personal and tangible. Certainly a course like this cannot plumb the depths of church planter training, but The Equipping Group’s hope is that it serves you well, as a first step overview — a true “primer” — for the idea of church planting.

Digital Course: Church Planting Primer (Ben Connelly)
Quick View




“Life in the family of God is a daily act of worship. So let’s find a group of folks to go with us, and let’s pray for the Spirit’s help in difficult steps on this journey.”