Exploring topics like discipleship, mission, community, leadership, planting, and the gospel.
Why Hope Matters (Part 2)
This year, many churches and leaders will wring their hands in worry about the political process in the United States. One way or another, on one side of the aisle or the other, Christians will be convinced that the destiny of Christianity, the existence of our country, and the state of our world will hinge on the contents of ballot boxes on the first Tuesday in November.
Why Hope Matters (Part 1)
This year, many churches and leaders will wring their hands in worry about the political process in the United States. One way or another, on one side of the aisle or the other, Christians will be convinced that the destiny of Christianity, the existence of our country, and the state of our world will hinge on the contents of ballot boxes on the first Tuesday in November.
The Worst Cover Song Ever
The birth of Jesus was the deepest, most heartfelt song the world has ever heard. God’s beautiful masterpiece made its debut with a note ringing out clear and bright. It has resonated throughout the ages in the hearts of those whose longing ran too deep to be satisfied by the pervasive but placid promises of this broken world. For centuries, followers of Jesus developed Christmas into a joyous recognition that where there is darkness, the Light of the World will shine through.
Hope- Advent 2022
For Christians, suffering produces real hope by pointing us away from possibility and to what has already been done in Christ and the love of God that has already been given to us through the Holy Spirit.
Suffering produces hope, and I really wish there was another way. But if hope were earned through chances and striving and results and luck, who could attain it? And how many could attain it?