Everything is a Residency

Every year, I have the unique opportunity and true blessing to work with six to 12 people in our discernment & church planting residencies. Every year, applicants come from varied backgrounds, different settings, and all regions of the US (and beyond!). But after working with dozens of applicants, residents, and planters (affiliated with Soma, Acts29, non-denominational, various Baptist entities, and other organizations The Equipping Group and Plant Fort Worth are affiliated with), a consistent theme is that residents with ministry experience are more ready, than residents without any.

At first glance, that seems like one of the most obvious statements in the ministry world. But here’s a secret about preparing to plant and/or lead a church: while seminaries offer something irreplaceable, and while specific ministry training can be invaluable, any ministry opportunity can serve as a piece of a resident’s preparation. In other words, everything is a residency.

Are you in college, and have the chance to serve with, say, high school students, elementary kids, or the music team in your current church? That can be part of an informal ministry residency: you’re learning to listen to people who are unsure of their faith, make complex theological truths simple enough to be understood by young minds, and/or see the craft that goes into making a Sunday gathering unified and thoughtful.

Are you on staff at a church, but not in the “lead pastor” role? That can be part of an informal ministry residency: book some regular time with your current lead pastor, express your interest, and ask him everything you can. “What’s hard about your role that no one ever realizes?” “What’s amazing about it, that no one gets to see?” “What does a typical week look like?” “What do you remember about your first [fill in the blank: sermon, wedding, funeral, firing, baptism, or a thousand other things]?” “What mistakes did you make that I should avoid?” “What recommendations would you give?” You have an invaluable resource in the office next door: even if you’re cocky enough to think you have all the answers and would do it so much better than your current pastor does, don’t neglect the years of wisdom there, and the actual experience in already doing what you dream of doing.

Are you in a staff role, and currently serving a specific ministry within the church? That can be part of an informal ministry residency: involve yourself in a budget-planning process, and consider how your one area of ministry fits with the other areas in the church, compared to annual giving — and realize the hard decisions someone has to make now, that you’ll have to help make one day. Disciple people, develop leaders, and discipline members. Plan out a year’s worth of ministry events. Teach. Pray. Shepherd. And do it all while you have a safety net of someone over you, who can correct you when (not if) you err and catch you when (not if) you fall. You’ll thank them one day when the net’s pulled and you feel alone in the spotlight that used to shine on them.

Are you a volunteer in a church, leading a group, teaching a class, or serving in some ministry? That can be part of an informal ministry residency: if you’re faithful with the areas of ministry you’ve been delegated, and are humble, teachable, and eager, more areas of ministry will head your way. You don’t have to have a paid role to be trained. You merely have to express your desires, serve well, step up when asked, do behind-the-scenes things when not asked, and “own” your role. Serve on teams, support your staff, and be available. Every journey starts somewhere; start your disciple-making, ministry, planting, and/or leadership journey where you currently serve. 

Are you someone who has a love for God, a heart for people both in and outside the church, and an aspiration to plant and/or lead a church one day? Everything can be an informal ministry residency. Devote some time each week to reading theology and understanding the Bible: more resources exist now than at any point in history; many are free and online. Shadow your church’s leaders as often as they’ll let you: ask them questions after a meeting or counseling session you observe. Care for people well: point them toward the gospel and grow in your pastoral experience. Guard your life and your doctrine: these two broad areas seem consistently under attack and temptation. And pray: learn to abide in Christ and wait upon the Lord; seek him first in good and bad times, easy and stressful times, highs and lows, joys, and pains. Because planting and/or leading a church will involve all those extremes and everything between.  

Should you pursue a Bible degree, or a formal residency process? Maybe (I’m biased!). But whether you do or not, if you have a desire to plant and/or lead a church, don’t waste your current situation. Live in the present. “Bloom where you’re planted.” Make use of the time, season, and church God has you in. Because if you want to plant and/or lead a church one day, your training starts today. Look around you: everything is a residency.


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